
I'm Sangwa Sabine Chelsea

I grind HTML and CSS and then weld them with PHP into beautiful and efficient websites.

About me

There is no better moment in my life than when I am creating software and building systems that help users interact with and share their experiences

Programming is an entrepreneur’s very best friend, you can use it to compliment your work. this amplifies my motivation and passion to learn it and use it while solving common problems.

Innovative, Analytical, and detail-oriented, software developer, and team player with stellar communication skills. who is born and raised in Rwanda :)

In my free time, I like reading books; learning new things; listing to music, and developing new projects. I am food and drinks enthusiastically too.

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HTML coding
This is me - IT worker

My work

I have worked on dozens of projects so I have picked only the latest for you.


Ibuka Rwanda

Ibuka is an umbrella organization of survivors

The complex negotiation between reality, history and the prevailing circumstances surrounding the uncertainty situation of genocide survivors continue to present challenges which entails immediate addressing lest of which would cause a high number of unpredictable members of the society.

IBUKA which literally means "Remember”, is an umbrella organization of survivors, associations, concerned individuals and other organizations that fight against the genocide and its effects onto survivors thereby contributing to the rehabilitation of survivors and Rwanda society in general.

IBUKA is an independent, non-profit organization created in 1995, and legally recognized by the government of Rwanda in 2001. By remembering the past, we help the survivors in bridging the past and the future which will help the generations to come so that they may live in peace.

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Beno Holdings

Beno holdings is commied to contribung to the building of a Smart City.

Beno holdings is commied to contribung to the building of a Smart City by offering a well researched range of eco-friendly solutions that meet the modern day life.

Speed governor We are the pioneers of Speed Governors in the country. Our products have contributed to reduces accidents in Rwanda hence life losses.

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Yanjye School

YANJYE is a Platform that was established by enthusiastic IT professionals

YANJYE is a Platform that was established by enthusiastic IT professionals, the forum focuses on creating IT solutions to other learners who are passionate to develop their IT capabilities and have not had a chance to this effect. The platform looks forward to developing skill sets in programming, Software development, and other IT skill sets. The platform looks forward to mentor and develops trainees at all levels regardless of their IT background by teaching them from scratch coding language.

The platform is result-oriented, committed to closing the skill gaps in Rwanda’s job market and beyond by offering potential technicians and professionals able to out-stand competition on a digital global economy.

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Hero Squad

this is a hero's platform that helps explore your imaginations!

Organization isn't about perfection; it's about efficiency, reducing stress and clutter, saving time and money and improving your overall quality of life.

This is an app that helps the user to create create a hero and allows you to recruit a well-balanced team of superheroes in your squad. plus you get to choose your hero power

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Delani Studio

This is studio that help with prouct design!

This webpage is for Delani Studio. It is a webpage with the information about Delani as an entity with images showing what they do and how they manage to do and help their clients.

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Attorneys House

this is a Corporate Law Firm with a specialised legal practice in transaction and litigation.

Attorneys House is a growing modern Corporate Law Firm with a specialised legal practice in transaction and litigation. Its team is composed of experienced Attorneys, Academics, Researchers and Legal Consultants. The founding Partners, Me Jean Baptise Uwizeyimana and Me Emmanuel Turatsinze were formerly Partners at Fountain Advocates for 5 and 6 years respectively, before founding Attorneys House.

They are licensed attorneys with enormous experience in corporate advisory and representation before Courts of Law, Arbitration panels and administrative authorities.

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